Thursday, 29 August 2013

How to cure laziness

I'm not lazy, just unmotivated
Almost everyone has got a taste unpleasant duty to defer to a later date. for more details visit here

Some of the tempting offer succumb easily, the other resists tighter. The problem is when the constant postponement becomes a way of life functioning. Then we talk about procrastination.
Maybe you are in a similar situation too. for more details visit here

In the post you accumulate unanswered e-mails for months planning to finally leave the replace winter tires , new credit card you waiting for several weeks in the bank and writing the final report, which should be sent yesterday, although not let you sleep at night , but do not force as well sit down at the computer and finally through.
 So somehow lacking energy, appetite, driving motor resolve the long-winded list of tasks and responsibilities permanently here

Then one day, actually, almost every day, sit behind a desk, took a deep breath and say, "I'm on it." Turn on your computer and open the internet browser.
Open the e-mail box, refer interesting emails and the rest aside for now. At the moment you can break.

 You look at internet news. So what's the matter with the new? And what about the weather, how will today? At the moment, open Facebook, check out the status of their acquaintances, review photos from the wedding of one of your aunts known. Okay, time to start doing something.for more details click here


  1. Whenever we listen to a person declaring the word "laziness", we relate it with a undesirable thing. It is the unwillingness to do things or even postponing the issues that we should really be working on now.

  2. Many people have occasional "lazy times" that they manage to shake off quickly.

  3. Laziness isn't necessarily a personality trait. It could be a sign of low-energy, health issues.
